Cliff and Maureen

Maureen and Cliff at Nairobi Railway Museum

THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE SO-CALLED “lunatic line,” or Uganda Railway, began in 1896 from Mombasa on the Kenyan coast and finally reached Kisumu on the eastern shore of Lake Victoria in 1901, costing an estimated four lives for every mile of track laid along the way—including some deaths infamously caused by a pair of man-eating lions on the Tsavo plains.

Today, in the centre of Kenya’s capital city, the Nairobi Railway Museum is dedicated to the history of the country’s rail network. There you’ll find an intriguing jumble of artifacts plus a variety of exhibits and ephemera that illustrate the construction and running of the railway. There are models of railway engines that operated on the line, photographs of the railway throughout its history, and a varied selection of other oddities, including an interesting motorized railway bicycle.

well that was a brief history about Nairobi railway museum where we decided to be part of history of this venue by  photographing this lovely couple at such a scene ….enjoy this beautiful memories of cliff and Maureen

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